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A girl with Pearls and Powertools!! Please see the tabs on our blog for pricing information, a Gallery of the style and color of frames we have made, what's available for sale, what we have "Sold" and last but not least, the contact tab to get in touch with us! Thank you!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Monstrosity is Complete!!

This was by far - the LARGEST project we have ever worked on, Literally!!  But, with every new challenge, we learn A LOT!!

Here is a fullsize pic of the BEAST!!  And yes, that is me standing next to it to show scale!!  I am only a whopping 5'2", so you get the picture!!  I just hope they can actually get this in the service elevator or else, they will be carrying it up 17 flights of stairs!!  I refuse to witness this process as I am just a "Nervous Nelly"!

Total Dimensions are 90 1/2" X 69" = HUGE!!!

Here is a corner pic with framed cork board.

This is a corner pic with the map.

Finish is "Burnt Mahogany"

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